This is my Memorial Tribute Apr 20, 2009 ... Horses from the Lechuza Caracas team die shortly before the semi-final of the high-profile US Open ...

Polo Ponies Were Given Incorrect Medication New York Times - ‎Apr 23, 2009‎ Palmer said that although he had heard of Biodyl, it is not commonly used in the United States because it is not approved for use here. ... Pharmacy may be to blame in horse deaths Los Angeles Times Pharmacy Admits Error In Preparing Supplement Washington Post The Associated Press  - Reuters all 1,307 news articles »

Polo player ties horse deaths to supplement Los Angeles Times - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎ Lechuza Caracas team captain Juan Martin Nero told an Argentine newspaper, La Nacion, that the horses were given a weekly vitamin compound called Biodyl. ... Polo captain: Vitamin supplement killed 21 horses Horses May Have Been Given Tainted Supplement WFLX Fox 29 The Associated Press  - CBS News and more »

Dead polo ponies suffered hemorrhaging of lungs - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎ ''I will tell you certainly screening for Biodyl will be done, and we're trying to get some answers about Biodyl,'' Fagan said. ...

Report: Lions out to reach deal with Georgia's Stafford Philadelphia Daily News - ‎Apr 23, 2009‎ Twenty-one prized polo horses who mysteriously died before one of the sport's top championships were given a supplement known as Biodyl that likely caused ...

Sports Buzz: Details emerge in polo horses' deaths Kansas City Star - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎ Nero said the horses were given a supplement known as Biodyl, which contains a combination of vitamin B12, a form of selenium called sodium selenite and ...

Phelps to try new freestyle technique Sports Digest Baltimore Sun - ‎Apr 23, 2009‎ Juan Martin Nero, of Lechuza Polo, told the newspaper La Nacion that the horses were given a supplement known as Biodyl, which contains a combination of ...

Like most good point guards, Derrick Rose rarely gives anything ... Allentown Morning Call - ‎Apr 23, 2009‎ Juan Martin Nero, of Lechuza Polo, told the newspaper La Nacion that the horses were given a supplement known as Biodyl, which contains a combination of ...

Prep star throws 4 no-hitters in row San Jose Mercury News - ‎Apr 22, 2009‎ ... polo player Juan Martin Nero told an Argentine newspaper the horses that died Sunday and Monday were given a weekly vitamin compound called Biodyl. ...

Compounding Pharmacist Speculates What Went Wrong in Horses Death WPBF - ‎Apr 24, 2009‎ The original Biodyl contains vitamin B-12, magnesium, potassium and selenium. Argentian newspaper La Nacion reports that a source said the Ocala lab made ...